Sierra - provinces : CAÑAR


Capital: Azogues
Surface Area: 3908 km2
Population: 225184 inhabitants
(Telephone) Area Code: 07

Its climatic zones are established in the same way as in other highland provinces: mountain climate in the highlands; mesothermal humid and semi-humid inside the province and tropical monsoon in the lower parts of the western foothills.

In terms of agriculture, there is a variety of crops such as wheat, barley, potatoes, vegetables, legumes, vegetables and grassland areas in temperate zones, while in hot sectors there is coffee, rice, sugar cane, bananas and several tropical fruits. In forested areas, species such as cedar, laurel, palo prieto and ishpingo can be found.

Livestock is the most important in the raising of cattle, allowing a good production of milk and meat.

The region’s small manufacturing industry is considered a valuable source of income, especially in the food, footwear, textiles and furniture sectors.

In the mining area near the city of Azogues, there are unexploited deposits of kaolin, clay, bentonite and coal.

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