
Embassy of Ecuador in the Netherlands 
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ecuado to the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Andrés Horacio Terán Parral
Minister in Charge of Business a.i.: Oscar Felipe Izquierdo Arboleda
Multilateral Affaires: Nicolás Ortiz
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Phone: (0031) 70 346 9563

Consulate of Ecuador in The Hague Jurisdiction: The Kingdom of the Netherlands (Continental, Island and Overseas-Caribbean Dutch)
In charge of the Consular Seccion: Iván Alfonso Flores Vinueza
Staff: Henrry Wilmer Collaguazo Proaño, Consular Assistant - Systems Administrator
Staff: Susana del Pilar Medina Ruiz
Phone: (0031) 70 346 3753
Emergency phone: (0031) 703229236 (Vulnerability cases only)
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Sociale Media:

Facebook / Twitter: @EmbajadaEcuNL


Openingstijden van de Ambasade van Ecuador en de Consulaire afdeling;


Van 09:00 tot 13:00, Ma. t/m Vrij.


Van 14:00 tot 17:30, Ma. t/m Vrij.


Koninginnegracht 84
2514 AJ The Hague
The Netherlands
(google maps)


Commerciële Afdeling van Ecuador in Nederland

Koninginnegracht 84
2514 AJ, The Hague

+31 70 346 9563
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Comercial Affaires: Juan Carlos Yépez Franco


Honorary consuls

Róterdam: Eliseo de La Fuente
Adres: Van Vollenhovenstraat 15-a, 3016 BE Rotterdam.
Telf.: + 31 102120273
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Ámsterdam: Paul A. Josephus Jitta
Telf.: +31-20-312-2812
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Aruba: Gladys Magali Guzman Rubio
Adres: Sabana Liber 13 Q Oranjestad
Telf: 002975943842
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1 January,
20 and 21 April
05 May, Nationale dag (1945)
29 May,
09 June, Pinksteren
25 and 26 December

Aanvullende gegevens