General information
- Official Name: Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Often, the country is known by the name of its most influential historical region or relevant, Holland, located in the western part of the country. - Language: Their language is Dutch.
Frisian is a regional language spoken by more than 450,000 people in the province of Friesland, which is co-official with the Dutch. - Area: 41,526 km2
- Capital: Amsterdam
- Form of government: Constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy.
- King: Willem-Alexander
- Prime Minister: Mark Rutte
- Cities: Amsterdam. Rotterdam and The Hague.
- National Days: April 27th (King's Day), May 5th (Liberation Day).
- Currency: The euro.
- Religion: 29% Catholic, 9% Dutch Reformed Church, 6% Dutch Protestant Church, 4% Reformed Church, 4% Muslim, 42% of the population doesn't belong to any religion,and 6% other.